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Pink Clouding effect Recovery Process- Ways to Get Rid of Pink Clouds Easily

Surviving the Pink Clouding 

It is possible to survive the pink clouding and turn all the pink clouds gray by embracing recovering process and keeping the strength.
Getting free of drugs, alcohols, bad dreams after being raped,and incident is something to celebrate. It is a moment of joy and pleasure. Alcohol destroys life, destroys relationships, and trust in family all together, if you are the one your family depends on, freedom from alcohol is something which might bring all happiness back in your life which was lost once.Having freed from the addiction, one realizes now things would be better because nightmares are over, no bad dreams anymore and no pink clouding anymore.
pink cloud syndrome rape victom addiction
pink cloud syndrome

A sober person might feel better this week or turn into an addict another, this is a tough process. Recovery is not as easy one might think.  The pink cloud period is fair and enjoyable, however it can sometimes be risky too at the same time. You have the confidence, but at the same time you have a tendency of going back to the same tracks of addiction and alcoholism.  Pink clouding often leads to overconfidence which could put people at increased risk of mental breakdown and relapse, they might go back to the old ways. 
A lot of people ask what the phrase pink clouding means? This term means that you have recovered yourself from a certain addiction or depression, you are fully recovered and confident, but somewhere in between the trump of recovery and freedom you fail to do the things which are needed to be on the right track.

The Pink Cloud Definition

Early recovery process is often associated with a rollercoaster ride, you seem to enjoy it but you seem to have fear for the highs at the same time. The ride gives you a mix of emotions.  Emotions which have been awakened are so much intense that sometimes they fail to help put the person in the right direction. There is ecstasy, happiness, and sadness all at the same time one is feeling.  Feeling of joy for having recovered overpowers the mind, the sadness is about the past time, how the addiction had effected the life. The pink cloud is a mixture of feeling- it has activated during the process. Though staying free of depression and addiction feels effortless, there comes a time when your mind lures you to have something again for appeasing your mind during bad times. Pink clouding can pretty much impact the lifestyle as well, not all days are good days, if you are happy today something might happen tomorrow which will change the route and turn you into an addict over again.
Having a storm of emotion is risky because this state triggers pink clouds. Pink clouding is used negatively for those people who are too high and in state of ecstasy, this time it's not the work of any drug or alcohol, it's a natural phenomena caused by the extreme emotions.
addiction pink clouds syndrome pink clouding depression
addiction and pink clouding

Dangers of Pink Cloud Syndrome
Pink clouding may have some disadvantages. The addict or the rape victim have a lot of time for fighting off the problems such as nightmares, self control, and strength to cope with the unexpected emotions. It is true that recovery is guaranteed when you enjoy your life, but there can be problem when the addict or rape victim does not fight against the pink clouds and try to be confident. Over-confidence can really trigger and strengthen pink cloud syndrome. The person believes that bad days are over and there is no risk, the pink clouding time is gone. This confidence stops the person from doing anything more in maintaining their commitment and sobriety towards the cause-which was to refrain from the thoughts and items which are causing pink clouds.
rape victim pink clouds
rape victim pink clouds

Relapse is most likely occur during the recovery process. It is particularly likely to happen in first few years after getting the help from professional or leaving the rehab center. The most common reasons why relapse happens over again is when someone does not put enough effort into staying free of their addiction or thoughts anymore. For example, the relapse process of raped victim begins when she/he keeps thinking about the day when rape occurred and about the place where that incident took place. Pink clouding is dangerous enough to send the addict or rape victim back into a depressive state.
For recovering from pink cloud syndrome and depression, one must try to control themselves before they experience a relapse because after it the things might go pretty bad- or likely to to be the way they were before. Here is the link for all those who want to cure pink clouding.


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