Surviving the Pink Clouding It is possible to survive the pink clouding and turn all the pink clouds gray by embracing recovering process and keeping the strength. Getting free of drugs, alcohols, bad dreams after being raped,and incident is something to celebrate. It is a moment of joy and pleasure. Alcohol destroys life, destroys relationships, and trust in family all together, if you are the one your family depends on, freedom from alcohol is something which might bring all happiness back in your life which was lost once.Having freed from the addiction, one realizes now things would be better because nightmares are over, no bad dreams anymore and no pink clouding anymore. pink cloud syndrome A sober person might feel better this week or turn into an addict another, this is a tough process. Recovery is not as easy one might think. The pink cloud period is fair and enjoyable, however it can sometimes be risky too at the same time. You have the confidence, but ...
This blog is about pink clouding, pink clouds, sadness, relapse, and depression